Set 1: Heavy Things, Fee* > Beauty of My Dreams, Gumbo, Most Events Aren't Planned* > Julius, Farmhouse, Halley's Comet > 46 Days > Cavern
Set 2: Down With Disease > Piper > The Lizards, Ha Ha Ha* > I Never Needed You Like This Before, Sanity*, Chalkdust Torture > Slave to the Traffic Light#
E: Happy Birthday Ky > Backwards Down the Number Line* > Sleeping Monkey
Voodoo Players for 3/2/22:
Sean Canan - Guitar
Spanky Manaois - Keys
Josip Capan - Bass
Sean Anglin - Drums
Bobby Scharff - Lights
* = Voodoo Phish debut ^ = contained Tomorrow Never Knows teases (The Beatles) # = contained Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now teases (Starship)